Active shooter situations are frightening and require everyone present to think quickly and remain as calm as possible. While any type of active shooter situation is extremely volatile, how you react to it could be what saves your life and the lives of others who are with you. Green Knight Security offers instructor drills and exercises that will allow you to respond quickly and efficiently to an active shooter situation. You will be taught a variety of life-saving skills that can be used to protect yourself and others from imminent danger. If you live or work in Southern California, call Green Knight Security at 844-457-8326 today and find out about the classes being offered. The skills you learn may save your life.

Active Shooter Situations

Active shooter situations can appear out of thin air. In most cases, there is no warning whatsoever and everyone is caught completely off guard. This is what causes such chaos. No one is ever fully prepared to be put in a situation like this. With the proper training, however, you will learn how to respond quickly and effectively. You will have the life skills that are necessary to protect yourself and others around you from being victimized. At Green Knight Security, we understand that knowledge is power. We can teach you the skills you need to maintain calm during a catastrophic time.

Put Yourself First

It's important that you put yourself first. If you have had the necessary training to handle this type of situation, you need to be able to put that knowledge into action to help those around you. Be aware of your surroundings. Know where you are and where any available exits are. Whenever you enter any type of public area, learn what is around you. A quick, visual sweep of the room will provide you with valuable information that you can draw on in a hostile situation. It is up to you to remain calm and stay focused on what is going on around you at all times.

Plan Ahead

No one ever wants to believe that they will be involved in an active shooter situation. If you work in any type of public environment, becoming an instructor for or taking a class to learn how to protect yourself in an active shooter situation could save your life as well as the lives of many others. It may also be beneficial if you live or work in a large apartment complex or housing addition. While it is unlikely that an active shooter situation will present itself in many of these environments, it has happened. It is much better to plan ahead and have the skills and training you need than to be put in a situation where you have to guess what your next move should be.

No Two Situations Are Ever Alike

No two active shooter situations are ever alike. During an active shooter training session, you will learn how to identify potential dangers, evaluate your surroundings, and take decisive action in terms of getting yourself and those who may be with you to safety. You will be put through several different scenarios in which you have multiple options in terms of reactions, proactive measures, and self-defense tactics that may be used if the situation evolves into that type of altercation. The skills you are taught can be adapted and applied to a wide variety of situations. They will help you to identify things in your environment that may be out of place prior to the shooter actually firing their weapon. These life skills will also help you to react more effectively, giving you more time to get out of harm's way.

Always Remain Calm

No matter how stressful the situation, it is essential that you remain calm at all times. Part of the reason for this is that those around you will be looking for someone to assist them. By remaining calm, you will help to reduce their anxiety and encourage them to remain calm as well. Being calm and focusing on what is going on around you will allow you to make sound decisions and react to the situation accordingly. During an active shooter situation, there will always be tension and a sense of fear. In order to protect yourself and others, you will have to rely on your training to help you make the best decisions possible.

Know Your Options and Use Your Survivor Skills

During your training, you will be presented with various options. You will be taught how to evaluate the situation and identify potential options that may exist. The scenarios are only training tools and may not always accurately represent the situation you find yourself in. The key is to take what you have learned and apply those skills to every situation. The survival and life-saving skills that are taught during Green Knight Security's Active Shooter Training Courses are designed to be as universal as possible. You will be able to apply them in many different types of situations and identify the best possible options for protecting yourself and others.

Learning to identify potential hazards is one of the many skills that are taught in these classes. Being fully aware of your environment and what is closest to you is also beneficial. Just like with fire safety, knowing where all windows and exits are located could save your life. Being aware of your surroundings will also allow you to remain focused on what may or may not be “right” in your environment. You will quickly learn to identify things that are out of place.

Green Knight Security Active Shooter Training

Green Knight Security Active Shooter Training courses were developed by professionals who have many years of experience in law enforcement and military protocols. With their extensive knowledge in this area, they have created scenarios that are designed to make you think outside the box. Active shooter situations do not occur on a schedule. There is never any real warning that alerts individuals in the area that it is about to happen. These active shooter training courses provide you with the survival skills you need to be alert and aware at all times. You are able to think quickly and react effectively allowing you to protect both yourself and those who are nearest to you.

Active Shooter Instructor Drill & Exercise Training Near Me

If you want to be fully prepared in the event of an active shooter situation, call Green Knight Security at 844-457-8326. Schedule an appointment to discuss the training and ask any questions you may have about the program. All of your questions will be answered and you will be provided with an abundance of information that will allow you to make an informed choice. Classes can be created to accommodate any number of people and can provide and your staff with the training you need to feel safe and secure in your current environment. Don't wait until a dangerous situation presents itself, call and talk to the trained professionals at Green Knight Security today.